This is the documentation of two meetings, one that was held on July 16, and the second that was held on September 24; both were Saturdays and were held at 9:30 am in Jepson 120, Gonzaga University.
In the meeting on July 16, Dan Burgess lead a viewing of a webinar on RStudio and Azure Machine Learning. This webinar can be viewed at https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/DevRadio/DR1612.
In the meeting on September 24, Joe Dumoulin discussed sentiments and tones can be detected in chats using IBM Watson. His presentation can be downloaded here.
Our next meeting has been scheduled for December 3, Saturday, at 9:30 am in Jepson 120. During this meeting, one or more students learning R in the undergraduate programs at Gonzaga will present their course projects.
RStudio and Azure ML, Natural Language Processing with IBM Watson
by INRUG — on statistics